Congratulations on your CIHR scholarship, Jordie!
Jordie just received a 2019 Canada Graduate Scholarships-Master’s Award/CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarship! Jordie’s MSc. thesis project will examine the adverse effects of untargeted iron supplementation in Cambodian women of reproductive age. She’s currently in rural Cambodia spearheading the operations to get the trial started!
Cara Mayer wins the 2019 APNM Undergraduate Research Excellence Award!
Cara was a work learn student in the Karakochuk lab between 2018-2019, leading a pilot research study on the iron status of female varsity athletes. Cara was instrumental in leading this research over the past year and is now drafting a manuscript on her findings (stay tuned!). She also assisted the team with another pilot […]
Welcome Jessica Yu and Lulu Pei!
The Karakochuk lab welcomes Jessica Yu (left) and Lulu Pei (right), two UBC undergraduate students who will be spending their summer abroad with our research teams in Malaysia and Cambodia this year. Jessica and Lulu were students in Dr. Karakochuk’s Applied International Nutrition course at UBC (FNH 455) and received Go Global Self-Directed Research Awards […]
Brock Williams wins first place at CNS 2019!
Congratulations to Brock Williams, who won first place in the Infographic Award Competition at the Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Conference in Niagara Falls this month! Brock is a PhD Student in the Karakochuk lab, spearheading a randomized controlled cross-over trial on folic acid supplementation in children with sickle cell disease. As a Clinical Dietitian at […]
Congratulations to Kelsey Cochrane – on receiving a CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS-M) Award!
The CGS-M Program provides financial support to high-calibre scholars who are engaged in eligible master’s or, in some cases, doctoral programs in Canada. The award provides an annual stipend of $17,500 for one year. Kelsey’s Master’s thesis research is investigating the effectiveness of two forms of folate supplements to raise blood folate concentrations in pregnant […]
Healthy Starts Research Day 2019
Our lab attended the BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute’s Healthy Starts Research Day on February 6, 2019. We were honored to welcome Dr. Deborah O’Connor from the University of Toronto, Department of Nutritional Sciences, who gave an inspiring keynote address. Brock, Jordie (pictured here), Kelsey and Shannon presented posters of their research.
Shannon Steele publishes in the Journal of Clinical Medicine!
Congratulations, Shannon! Her work investigating the effect of iron supplementation on non-transferrin bound iron concentrations in Cambodian women was recently published in the Journal of Clinical Medicine (2017 Impact Factor: 5.6). See the full text here.
Kelsey Cochrane presents her MSc research proposal
Kelsey did a fantastic job completing her MSc research proposal seminar at the Human Nutrition Graduate Student Seminar series on Wednesday. Well done! 🙂
Welcome Grace Goh and Theresa Schroder!
Grace and Theresa are joining the Karakochuk team as Post-Doctoral Fellows, funded through a Mitacs scholarship in collaboration with Molecular You (, a personalized health company. Their project will focus on integrating personalized nutrition recommendations, based on metabolomic, proteomic and genetic data, into Molecular You’s personalized health platform. They will use data mining to gather […]
Cara Mayer presents her research at BCCHRI
Cara did an outstanding job presenting her summer research project at the BCCHRI summer student presentation series. Congratulations Cara, well done!