New publication alert!
Congratulations, Lulu, on the acceptance of your recent paper to the British Journal of Nutrition! In this exploratory research, Lulu examined ferritin concentrations in cord blood obtained from BC Children’s Hospital Biobank. She found that female term infants had higher cord ferritin compared with males, suggesting sex-specific differences in iron transfer, acquisition and utilization. She […]
Happy holidays!
Celebrating the end to a successful term! Happy 2025 everyone!
Congratulations, Stella!
Stella was awarded a BC Egg Marketing Board Scholarship for her research investigating the impact of free-living (non-caged) chickens on the nutrition status and gut health of women and children in Cambodia. Congratulations, Stella!
Cassi heads back to Cambodia with support of a MSFSS Award!
Cassi is off to Cambodia again next week, funded by a Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (MSFSS) Award, to continue the formative research on the distribution of multiple micronutrient supplements (MMS) for pregnant women at government health centers across Cambodia. She will be working on a Trial of Improved Practices (TIPS) study that aims to […]
New publication on hemoglobin measurement!
JUST RELEASED: Our new publication on hemoglobin measurement led by the TEAM Working Group for Anemia – raising caution on the use of single-drop capillary blood for anemia assessment. Summary: Accurate and precise measurement of hemoglobin concentration is critical for reliable estimations of anemia prevalence at the population level. When systematic and/or random error […]
The Karakochuk lab is growing!
Visit the ‘People’ tab on our website for full bios on our newest lab members! From left to right: Colleen Farrell, Kristy Sejane, Crystal Karakochuk, Lulu Pei, Cassi Sauer, Stella Mapemba
ASN Chicago 2024
Nerding out with these lovely ladies (Cassi Sauer and Lulu Pei) in Chicago! What a fantastic conference. See you in Orlando next year, ASN!
Cassi wins a CIHR CGS-M scholarship!
Huge congratulations to Cassi Sauer, MSc Human Nutrition student in the Karakochuk lab, for winning a CIHR Canada Graduate Scholarship – Masters Award. This award provides $17,500 of salary support to successful students on the basis of their academic excellence, research potential and personal characteristics. For her MSc thesis research, Cassi is spearheading a cluster-randomized […]
Brock wins prestigious new postdoctoral fellowship award!
I’m thrilled to announce that Dr. Brock Williams (recent graduate of the Karakochuk lab) was awarded a prestigious new postdoctoral fellowship salary award from IMPaCT (Increasing capacity for maternal and paediatric clinical trials). This is a training platform funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research to train students and early career researchers on how […]